@article{8, author = {Bence Fehér and Jeppe Lyngsø and Boróka Bartók and Judith Mihály and Zoltán Varga and Róbert Mészáros and Jan Pedersen and Attila Bóta and Imre Varga}, title = {Effect of pH on the conformation of bovine serume albumin - gold bioconjugates | Elsevier Enhanced Reader}, year = {2020}, journal = {Journal of Molecular Liquidsjournal homepage:www.elsevier.com/locate/molliq}, volume = {309}, chapter = {113065}, url = {https://reader.elsevier.com/reader/sd/pii/S016773222031062X?token=C1D54FCD172AA1A3858EA5CBAD8E0C1B6F47E28C4677C2F6D7EE7311DB417553A8D60B52B001861E214E724A3AD368B0}, }